[Read more…] about The TonguesAesop served Tongues as both best and worst meats over two meals. The guests were enchanted by his explanation and insisted the host not punish him.
Cleverness can get out out of trouble.
Aesop and His Fellow Servants
[Read more…] about Aesop and His Fellow ServantsAesop and fellow servants readied for a trip. Aesop took the heaviest load: bread. Over time the bread was eaten and Aesop’s load reduced. Smart!
Be smart in how you select jobs.
Aesop at Play
[Read more…] about Aesop at PlayAesop was chided for relaxing and playing with children. His response in today’s language was simple….
Lighten up.
JBR 1874 Editor’s Collection

The fables marked with the symbol to the right represent 1874 versions collected by editor Joseph Benjamin Rundell who’s Preface is reproduced below.
[Read more…] about JBR 1874 Editor’s CollectionThe Rivers and The Sea
[Read more…] about The Rivers and The SeaThree Rivers started to accuse the Sea of turning their water salty and unfit. The Sea cut them off saying all they had to do was stop flowing. Hah!
Do not blame others.
G.K. Chesterton Introduction

The fables marked with the symbol to the right represent 1912 translations by V.S. Vernon Jones with an Introduction by G.K. Chesterton reproduced below.
[Read more…] about G.K. Chesterton Introduction