[Read more…] about Mercury and The CarpenterA workman lost an axe. Mercury recovered a gold and silver axe which the workman refused. Mercury then recovered the real axe and gave him the others.
Truth is the better strategy.
Mercury and The Sculptor
[Read more…] about Mercury and The SculptorMercury visited a Sculptor to see how he was valued. Asking about other statues for value he then asked about his image. Sculptor gave it little value.
Don’t overvalue yourself.
Jupiter’s Lottery
[Read more…] about Jupiter’s LotteryJupiter set up a lottery with Wisdom as prize. Minerva won but people were mad that Jupiter’s daughter won. Jupiter substituted Folly and people were happy.
The greatest fools have always looked upon themselves as the wisest men.
The Crow and Mercury
[Read more…] about The Crow and MercuryA Crow was caught but released by Apollo on promise of an offering. The offering was never made so when the Crow as again captured no other god helped.
Lie once and you may not be believed later.
Mercury and A Traveller
[Read more…] about Mercury and A TravellerA Traveler bargained safe passage with Mercury for half of any findings. He found nuts and dates and ate both leaving pits and shells for Mercury.
Peoples’ actions toward the gods differ from their words.
Mercury and Tiresias
[Read more…] about Mercury and TiresiasMercury wanted to test Tiresias; he stole some of Tiresias’ oxen and then went to him in human form. Tiresias predicted Mercury could help recover the oxen.
Vanity lives with fortune-tellers.