[Read more…] about The Tortoise and The EagleA Tortoise wanted to fly and promised riches. An Eagle heard and took the Tortoise for a ride. No reward though so a second ride and sudden drop followed.
Never put yourself in your enemy’s clutches.
The Eagle and The Daw
[Read more…] about The Eagle and The DawA Daw saw an eagle carry off a sheep and tried the same trick. The daw could not do it and got caught. Ouch.
Don’t take on more than you can accomplish.
The Eagle and The Sycophant-Bird
[Read more…] about The Eagle and The Sycophant-BirdEagle attended a concert of birds and screeched in reply. All clapped except a Sycophant who issued false praise the Eagle accepted and others appreciated.
The highest art of flattery conveys praise in an indirect manner.
The Eagle and The Jackdaw
[Read more…] about The Eagle and The JackdawAn Eagle was bothered by a Daw who made up attributes to praise the Eagle in order to curry favor. Didn’t work. Eagle saw through it and kicked the Daw out.
False praise leads to disaster.
The Eagle and The Beetle
[Read more…] about The Eagle and The BeetleBeetle begged an Eagle for a favor. Rebuffed, Beetle destroyed Eagle’s eggs no matter where they were laid. Now Beetles sleep while Eagle’s eggs hatch.
The weak may find a way to avenge a wrong.
The Conceited Owl
[Read more…] about The Conceited OwlA young Owl wanted to marry the daughter of the Eagle. A Crow presented the proposal. The Eagle said OK if the Owl would meet at sunrise. No marriage.
Know your place.