Some ask where the original files for the books used to create this collection are located. This post contains links to those files. The request usually comes in the form of a question about using the text and/or illustrations on this site in some other collection.
[Read more…] about E-Book LinksThomas Bewick Dedicatory
Bewick Introduction
From time to time, in all ages, men inspired, or gifted with a superior degree of intellectual power, have appeared upon the stage of life, in order (by enlightening others) to fulfil the designs of Omnipotence, in uniting the world in a state of civilized society.
[Read more…] about Bewick IntroductionCroxall Dedication and Preface
You must not be surprised at my begging your protection for this little book, when I assure you it was principally intended for your perusal. I had often wished to see something of this kind published by an able hand; and, for want of that, have sometimes had an inclination to do it myself; but never came to any resolution on that point, till very lately; when at Horton, I had the pleasure to find your Lordship, though but in your fifth year, capable of reading any thing in the English tongue, without the least hesitation.
[Read more…] about Croxall Dedication and PrefaceJefferys Taylor
Jefferys Taylor (1792–1853) (often incorrectly cited as Jeffery) is the author of Harry’s Holiday or The Doings of One Who had Nothing to Do, The Little Historians (3 volumes), and Ralph Richards, the Miser in addition to Aesop in Rhyme, with some originals and more. His writings date from the 1820s and were geared toward children.
[Read more…] about Jefferys TaylorJean de La Fontaine
Jean de La Fontaine (8 July 1621–13 April 1695) was a widely read French poet in the 17th century and is the most famous French fabulist. His Fables provided a model for subsequent fabulists across Europe and numerous alternative versions in France, and in French regional languages.
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