[Read more…] about Aesop at PlayAesop was chided for relaxing and playing with children. His response in today’s language was simple….
Lighten up.
The Harper
[Read more…] about The HarperA Harper (man playing the harp) thought himself good enough to play on the public stage. The audience’s hisses proved him otherwise. Too much ambition.
Do not strive beyond your abilities.
The Sheep-Biter
[Read more…] about The Sheep-BiterA Shepherd trusted his dog with the sheep. The dog was caught biting and killing sheep and at sentencing for the crime begged for his life. Dog gone.
All criminals must be punished for crimes.
The Sow and The Cat
[Read more…] about The Sow and The CatA Sow and Cat (Dog) were discussing and comparing litters to no avail. But, the Sow got in the last word.
One with the last word has the advantage.
Caesar and The Slave
[Read more…] about Caesar and The SlaveA Slave performed minor tasks for Caesar hoping for his freedom. Caesar turned him down saying he must pay more than a token for freedom.
You need to pay a fair price for what you want.
The Generous Lion
[Read more…] about The Generous LionA Lion was with its kill. A thief demanded half but the Lion made him go away. A traveler, respecting the Lion, left but was called back for a share.
Respecting strength can yield rewards.