[Read more…] about The Ass Eating ThistlesAn Ass carrying goods to the field stopped and ate a Thistle. While most would question this, the Thistle is a favorite of the Ass.
People enjoy what they enjoy.
The Hawk and The Farmer
[Read more…] about The Hawk and The FarmerA Hawk, chasing a Pigeon, got caught in a Farmer’s net. The Hawk begged for his life based on no harm to the Farmer. Intended harm to the Pigeon was enough.
Evil deserves punishment.
The Boar and The Ass
[Read more…] about The Boar and The AssA Boar was insulted by an Ass but wisely avoided conflict with nothing more than a curt comment.
The impudent sometimes escape the effects of their impudence.
A Dog, A Sheep, and A Wolf
[Read more…] about A Dog, A Sheep, and A WolfA Dog brought court action against a Sheep for wheat borrowed but not returned. Three false witnesses testified and the Sheep lost but did nothing wrong.
Justice demands a fair court hearing.
Greed and Jealousy
[Read more…] about Greed and JealousyGreed and Jealousy in neighbors caused one to be granted twice what the other asked for. One asked for treasure but the other asked that one eye be blinded.
Vices are their own punishment.
The Thief and The Boy
[Read more…] about The Thief and The BoyA Thief met a boy by a well who said he lost silver down the well. The Thief undressed and jumped into the well to steal it. Done; boy and clothes gone.
Every tale is not to be believed.