A Hawk, chasing a Pigeon, got caught in a Farmer’s net. The Hawk begged for his life based on no harm to the Farmer. Intended harm to the Pigeon was enough.
Evil deserves punishment.

JBR Collection
A Hawk pursuing a Pigeon with great eagerness, was caught in a net which had been set in a corn-field for the Crows. The Farmer, seeing the Hawk fluttering in the net, came and took him. The Hawk besought the Man to let him go, saying piteously that he had done him no harm. “And pray what harm had the poor Pigeon you followed done to you?” replied the Farmer. Without more ado he wrung off his head.

Samuel Croxall
A HAWK, pursuing a Pigeon over a corn-field with great eagerness and force, threw herself into a net, which a husbandman had planted there to take the crows; who being employed not far off, and seeing the Hawk fluttering in the net, came and took him: but, just as he was going to kill him, the Hawk besought him to let him go, assuring him, that he was only following a Pigeon, and neither intended, nor had done any harm to him. To whom the Farmer replied, And what harm had the poor Pigeon done to you? Upon which, he wrung his head off immediately.
Passion, prejudice, or power, may so far blind a man, as not to suffer him justly to distinguish whether he is not acting injuriously, at the same time that he fancies he is only doing his duty. Now, the best way of being convinced, whether what we do is reasonable and fit, is to put ourselves in the place of the persons with whom we are concerned, and then consult our conscience about the rectitude of our behaviour. For this we may be assured of, that we are acting wrong, whenever we are doing any thing to another, which we should think unjust if it was done to us. Nothing but an habitual inadvertency, as to this particular, can be the occasion that so many ingenuous, noble spirits are often engaged in courses so opposite to virtue and honour. He that would startle if a little attorney should tamper with him to forswear himself, to bring off some small offender, some ordinary trespasser, will, without scruple, infringe the constitution of his country, for the precarious prospect of a place or pension. Which is most corrupt, he that lies, like a knight of the post, for half-a-crown and a dinner, or he that does it for the more substantial consideration of a thousand pounds a year? Which would be doing most service to the public; giving true testimony in a cause between two private men, and against one little common thief, who has stolen a gold watch; or voting honestly and courageously against a rogue of, state, who has gagged and bound the laws, and stript the nation? Let those who intend to act justly but view things in this light, and all would be well. There would be no danger of their oppressing others, or fear of being oppressed themselves.

Thomas Bewick (The Hawk and The Farmer)
A Hawk, in the eagerness of his pursuit after a Pigeon, flew with such violence against the corner of a hedge, that he was stunned and fell. A Farmer, who had been looking about his fields, saw the whole transaction, and instantly ran and picked up the Hawk, and was going to kill him; but the latter begged the Man would let him go, assuring him he was only following a Pigeon, and neither intending, nor had done, any harm to him. To which the Farmer replied, and what harm had the Pigeon done to you? and wrung his head off immediately.
In all our transactions through life, to suppose ourselves in the place of those we may be dealing with, will be the most certain check upon our own conduct; and we ought always to consult our conscience about the rectitude of our behaviour: for this we may be assured of, that we are acting wrong, whenever we are doing any thing to another, which we should think unjust, if it were done to us. Let those, therefore, who intend to act justly, but take this view of things, and all will be well. There will be no danger of their oppressing others, or fear of their falling into error or danger themselves. Nothing but an habitual inadvertency as to this particular, can be the occasion of so many ingenuous noble spirits being so often engaged in courses opposite to virtue and honour.

Caldecott (The Hawk Chasing The Dove)
A Hawk giving headlong chase to a Dove rushed after it into a farmstead, and was captured by one of the farm men. The Hawk began to coax the man to let him go, saying that he had never done him any harm. “No,” rejoined the man; “nor had this Dove harmed you.”