[Read more…] about The Ass, The Dog, and The WolfAn Ass was grazing while master slept. Dog wanted its meal; Ass declined. A Wolf came upon the Ass who asked the Dog for help. Help declined. Bye, bye Ass.
Give good advice as you may also have to follow it.
The Harper
[Read more…] about The HarperA Harper (man playing the harp) thought himself good enough to play on the public stage. The audience’s hisses proved him otherwise. Too much ambition.
Do not strive beyond your abilities.
Death and Cupid
[Read more…] about Death and CupidA tired Cupid sought rest in a cave that belonged to Death. His arrows got mixed with arrows Death uses. This accounts for lovers dying and elders in love.
Fate sometimes surprises.
The Sheep-Biter
[Read more…] about The Sheep-BiterA Shepherd trusted his dog with the sheep. The dog was caught biting and killing sheep and at sentencing for the crime begged for his life. Dog gone.
All criminals must be punished for crimes.
The Bear and The Bees
[Read more…] about The Bear and The BeesThe weakest united may be strong to avenge. A bear seeking honey overlooks the fact that many bees united can make even the largest uncomfortable.
The weakest united may be strong to avenge.
The Fox and The Mosquitoes
[Read more…] about The Fox and The MosquitoesA fox rationalizes that he’d rather full mosquitoes bother him than hungry ones.
There were politicians in Aesop’s time.