[Read more…] about The Lion, and The Asses and HaresA beast/bird war broke out. Asses and Hares came to the field. The Lion, instead of dismissing them, said the Asses could trumpet and Hares carry letters.
Everyone can be of use in war.
The Hawk and The Farmer
[Read more…] about The Hawk and The FarmerA Hawk, chasing a Pigeon, got caught in a Farmer’s net. The Hawk begged for his life based on no harm to the Farmer. Intended harm to the Pigeon was enough.
Evil deserves punishment.
The Boar and The Ass
[Read more…] about The Boar and The AssA Boar was insulted by an Ass but wisely avoided conflict with nothing more than a curt comment.
The impudent sometimes escape the effects of their impudence.
The Two Rabbits
[Read more…] about The Two RabbitsOne Rabbit asked another to loan her a hutch for raising a family. The loan was made but when the time was up, the first Rabbit was kept out by the second.
Give someone an inch and they’ll take a mile.
The Ass’s Brains
[Read more…] about The Ass’s BrainsA Lion and Fox hunted together. An Ass was killed for supper. Fox was to guard but got hungry and ate the brain. Lion angry. Fox explained no brain if here.
Wit has always an answer ready.
The Creaking Wheel
[Read more…] about The Creaking WheelA Coachman noticed a creaking wheel on his wagon. He asked the wheel why it complained and it answered that was a privilege of the weak.
Complaining is the privilege of the weak.