An Ass was grazing while master slept. Dog wanted its meal; Ass declined. A Wolf came upon the Ass who asked the Dog for help. Help declined. Bye, bye Ass.
Give good advice as you may also have to follow it.

JBR Collection
A laden Ass was jogging along, followed by his tired master, at whose heels came a hungry Dog. Their path lay across a meadow, and the man stretched himself out on the turf and went to sleep. The Ass fed on the pasture, and was in no hurry at all to move. The Dog alone, being gnawed by the pains of hunger, found the time pass heavily. “Pray, dear companion,” said he to the Ass, “stoop, that I may take my dinner from the pannier.” The Ass turned a deaf car, and went on cropping away the green and tender grass. The Dog persisted, and at last the Ass replied, “Wait, can’t you, till our master wakes. He will give you your usual portion, without fail.” Just then a famished Wolf appeared upon the scene, and sprang at the throat of the Ass. “Help, help, dear Towzer!” cried the Ass; but the Dog would not budge. “Wait till our master wakes,” said he; “he will come to your help, without fail.” The words were no sooner spoken, than the Ass lay strangled upon the sod.