[Read more…] about The Fox and MonkeyA Fox and Monkey passed a cemetery. Monkey told the Fox these were ancestors. Fox pointed out this was a likely story but nobody there could refute it.
A false tale often betrays itself.
The Seer
[Read more…] about The SeerA Seer was telling fortunes when a neighbor ran up saying the Seer’s house was being broken into. On his way there people asked why he did not foretell that.
Know your art.
The Kid and Wolf
[Read more…] about The Kid and WolfA Kid about to be eaten by a Wolf asked the Wolf to play to tune so he could dance. Wolf complied and hounds heard the music and came to chase the Wolf.
Don’t do things that make you forget your original purpose.
The Horse and The Stag
[Read more…] about The Horse and The StagIf you allow men to use you for your own purposes, they will use you for theirs. A horse lets a rider mount to chase a stag. The rider keeps the horse.
If you allow men to use you for your own purposes, they will use you for theirs.
A Jackdaw and Pigeons
[Read more…] about A Jackdaw and PigeonsA Jackdaw tries to be two things but fails at both. Too bad.
He that trims between two interests, loses him with both, but is true to neither.
The Monkey and The Dolphin
[Read more…] about The Monkey and The DolphinDolphin saved a Monkey from drowning and gave him a ride to Athens. Dolphin questioned Monkey about Athens and was lied to. Monkey got drowned after all.
Bragging, lying, and pretending, has cost many a man his life and estate.