A Fox and Monkey passed a cemetery. Monkey told the Fox these were ancestors. Fox pointed out this was a likely story but nobody there could refute it.
A false tale often betrays itself.

Townsend version
A fox and a Monkey were traveling together on the same road. As they journeyed, they passed through a cemetery full of monuments. “All these monuments which you see,” said the Monkey, “are erected in honor of my ancestors, who were in their day freedmen and citizens of great renown.” The Fox replied, “You have chosen a most appropriate subject for your falsehoods, as I am sure none of your ancestors will be able to contradict you.”
A false tale often betrays itself.

Simia et Vulpes, Iter Facientes
Vulpes et simia eundem in locum faciebant iter. Cum per sepulchra eas via duceret, simia ad vulpem “Omnes,” inquit, “quos hic sepultos vides, parentum meorum liberti erant.” “Callide,” respondet vulpes, “mentita es. Nec enim horum quisquam, qui humati sunt, te potest convincere.”
Perry #014