[Read more…] about A Fisherman’s Good LuckA Fisherman had no luck. Just before going home a large fish jumped into his boat making his day.
Patience has its own reward.
The Monkey and The Fishermen
[Read more…] about The Monkey and The FishermenA Monkey watched a Fisherman cast his nets and determined to try the same after the Fisherman left. Monkey got caught in the reeds and died. Too bad.
Imitation is no substitute for knowledge.
The Fisherman and The Little Fish
[Read more…] about The Fisherman and The Little FishA caught Fish pleads for life but the fisherman says no with no certainty of another.
A little thing in hand is worth more than a great thing in prospect.
The Huntsman and The Fisherman
[Read more…] about The Huntsman and The FishermanA Huntsman and Fisherman met and decided to exchange what each caught. They kept doing this until a neighbor pointed out they might like what they caught.
Abstain and enjoy.
The Fisherman and His Nets
[Read more…] about The Fisherman and His NetsA fisherman has questionable results but realizes that not all days are good days and hopes for better times.
The dawn always follows the night.
A Fisherman and His Bagpipe
[Read more…] about A Fisherman and His BagpipeA Fisherman played music to draw Fish but none came. Once he caught some they danced to his tune because they were under his control.
Stick to business you know.