A Monkey watched a Fisherman cast his nets and determined to try the same after the Fisherman left. Monkey got caught in the reeds and died. Too bad.
Imitation is no substitute for knowledge.

Townsend version
A monkey perched upon a lofty tree saw some Fishermen casting their nets into a river, and narrowly watched their proceedings. The Fishermen after a while gave up fishing, and on going home to dinner left their nets upon the bank. The Monkey, who is the most imitative of animals, descended from the treetop and endeavored to do as they had done. Having handled the net, he threw it into the river, but became tangled in the meshes and drowned. With his last breath he said to himself, “I am rightly served; for what business had I who had never handled a net to try and catch fish?’

Simia et Piscatores
Simia, procera quadam in arbore sedens, cum piscatores ad flumen quoddam retia ferentes vidisset, sedulo quae ab iis gerebantur observabat. Ipsi itaque cum retia iecissent ac paulum ut cibum sumerent recessissent, simia, confestim ex arbore descendens, eos imitari conabatur (aiunt enim hoc animal imitandi studio quam maxime teneri). Retibus vero vix tactis, comprehensa simia iamiam demergebatur. Quamobrem ad se conversa, “Digna quidem patior,” inquit, “quid enim piscandi ignara, piscari volui?”
Perry #203