[Read more…] about The Three VasesA Miser divided his wealth into three Vases and had them secretly buried. He died and his three sons fought over which would get the biggest. All equal!
Don’t hold yourself above others.
Aesop and The Poultry
[Read more…] about Aesop and The PoultryNeighbors watched Aesop examine a group of poultry in a yard. He observed to them that mankind was often no better: crowing and poorly scratching.
Mankind is often no better than animals.
The Sheep and The Bramble
[Read more…] about The Sheep and The BrambleA Sheep sheltered under a Bramble during a storm and fell asleep. On waking the Sheep found itself snared by the Bramble. Protection and fleece gone!
Protection can be fleeting.
The Council of Horses
[Read more…] about The Council of HorsesA young Horse decried his servitude before the Horse Council. An elder Steed then argued that the reward is a warm stable and freedom in age. He won.
Consider all views when arguing.
The Snail And The Statue
[Read more…] about The Snail And The StatueA Snail decided to foul a statue of Venus because of the excitation it excited. A Bird assured him that the beauty will out no matter what the Snail did.
Art will shine through surface blemishes.
The Blind Hercules
[Read more…] about The Blind HerculesWhen Hercules was blind he was mocked and teased unmercifully. When he got his sight back those who mocked found that mockery was not a good idea!
Mock today and you may regret it tomorrow.