[Read more…] about The Monkey and The CatA Monkey talked friend Cat into trying to pull chestnuts out of the fire to share. Cat pulled and got burned; Monkey just ate. Cat lost.
The flatterer seeks some benefit at your expense.
The Dog and His Master’s Dinner
[Read more…] about The Dog and His Master’s DinnerA Dog carried master’s supper. Other dogs wanted some and one day Dog stopped to argue. Mistake, but Dog did get away with largest piece.
Do not stop to argue with temptation.
The Two Goats
[Read more…] about The Two GoatsTwo goats were frolicking on cliffs on two sides of a deep canyon. Each tried to cross to the other side on a narrow log. Stalemate and steep plunge.
Sometimes giving way is better than stubbornness.
The Rat and The Elephant
[Read more…] about The Rat and The ElephantA Rat was full of itself on the King’s Highway. He chided an Elephant and the King as being inferior. The Royal Cat spied him and no more boasting.
A resemblance to the great in some things does not make us great.
The Ship and The Sailors
[Read more…] about The Ship and The SailorsSailors on a becalmed Ship threw out ballast to make the Ship faster. A gale arose and with no ballast the Ship and Sailors all perished. Too bad.
Don’t act rashly; particularly with no facts on hand.
The Eclipse
[Read more…] about The EclipseThe Moon was in Eclipse and complained to the Sun. Moon realized the Earth was the problem. Too bad!
Some things you have no control over.