[Read more…] about Reason Taken CaptiveReason ruled until Love came upon the scene. Slowly, Love conquered Reason but released her on the condition that they never fight. Nice goal.
Reason and love are often at odds with one another.
Fashion And Night
[Read more…] about Fashion And NightThe nymph Fashion assumed various manners until one day she got tired and Night came forth with a single shade to provide rest from Fashion’s activities.
It’s good to rest now and again.
The Fox and The Pheasants
[Read more…] about The Fox and The PheasantsA Fox came upon Pheasants in a tree. Fox went into a big dance and show and performed until the Pheasants became confused and dropped to Fox’s supper.
Too much attention to danger may cause us to fall victims to it.
The Rose and The Butterfly
[Read more…] about The Rose and The ButterflyA Butterfly and Rose were in love. The Butterfly flew to other flowers and the Rose was miffed. Butterfly pointed out the other insects that visited Rose.
Do not expect constancy in others if you have none yourself.
The Heron
[Read more…] about The HeronA Heron fishing by a stream was so picky it almost starved. After several fish, the Heron had to settle for a snail.
Do not be too hard to suit or you may have to settle for the worst or nothing.
The Rabbit, The Weasel, and The Cat
[Read more…] about The Rabbit, The Weasel, and The CatA Weasel went into a Rabbit’s home while gone. The Rabbit complained and a Cat said it would judge. They came close and the Cat pounced. The Cat won.
The strong are apt to settle questions to their own advantage.