[Read more…] about The Bull and The GoatA Bull chased by a Lion tried to hide in a cave but was rebuffed by a Goat already there. The Bull told the Goat that he was lucky there was a Lion!
It shows an evil disposition to take advantage of a friend in distress.
An Ape and A Fox
[Read more…] about An Ape and A FoxAn Ape asked a Fox for part of his tale to help cover him. The Fox pointed out that his tail was not built to cover an Ape.
Be content with your station.
A Hunted Beaver
[Read more…] about A Hunted BeaverBeavers have been hunted for their tail being medicine. When chased, a Beaver escaped capture by biting his tail off.
Sometimes a small sacrifice results in a greater good.
A Lion and A Bear
[Read more…] about A Lion and A BearA Lion battled a Bear (or Tiger) for a killed Fawn. When both were too tired to move a Fox came and made off with the prey. Too bad; should have shared.
Sometimes one man toils while another profits.
The Cat and The Mice
[Read more…] about The Cat and The MiceA cat came to a house with mice and started to feast. The mice hid and the cat, thinking to fool them, hung itself from a peg as a bag. Didn’t work.
Do not put yourself at the mercy of a known enemy.
The Flea and The Wrestler
[Read more…] about The Flea and The WrestlerA Flea bit a Wrestler who called out to Hercules for help. None came even after the second bite. Seems Hercules answered but said: “No.”
We petition gods for minor matters, yet take offense if such petitions are not granted.