[Read more…] about The Crow and The SerpentA hungry Crow flew down and grabbed a Serpent who looked dead but was alive and turned and bit him with a fatal bite. Bye, bye Crow.
Desire things you don’t understand and you accept the consequences.
The Kings Son and The Painted Lion
[Read more…] about The Kings Son and The Painted LionA dream said King’s Son would be killed by a Lion. King built a fortress with a painted Lion for the Son. A thorn near the painting stuck the Son who died.
We had better bear our troubles bravely than try to escape them.
The Cat and Venus
[Read more…] about The Cat and VenusIn a test a Cat was turned into a young maiden. She found a young man and were to be wed. At the wedding Venus released a Mouse and the maiden chased it.
Nature exceeds nurture.
Fishing in Troubled Waters
[Read more…] about Fishing in Troubled WatersA Fisherman roiled the water pulling in his net. People complained but he said he must roil the water or have no fish to eat.
Some never understand the actions of others.
The Peacock and Juno
[Read more…] about The Peacock and JunoA Peacock wanted to have a nice voice as well as looking pretty. Juno said: “No.”
Be content with your lot; one cannot be first in everything.
A Dog and A Thief
[Read more…] about A Dog and A ThiefA Thief brought meat to calm a guard Dog. The Dog recognized the ploy and told the Thief he would now be a better guard.
Be true to your master.