[Read more…] about The Peasant and The EagleA Peasant freed an Eagle from a trap. Later, Eagle seeing the Peasant under an unsafe wall made Peasant chase him. When he returned, the wall had fallen.
Return favors.
The Lion and The Hare
[Read more…] about The Lion and The HareA Lion was about to eat a Hare when a Stag comes by. The Lion decides to chase the Stag but never catches it. The Hare was gone with the Lion came back.
Take the opportunity at hand.
The Mouse and The Bull
[Read more…] about The Mouse and The BullA Mouse bothered a Bull to the point where the Bull tried to tear down the wall. He could not and slept where the Mouse could attack him again.
The great do not always prevail.
The Philosopher, The Ants, and Mercury
[Read more…] about The Philosopher, The Ants, and MercuryA Philosopher saw a shipwreck. While musing on the fate of the vessel a swarm of Ants approach and one bit him. He stomped on them all. Hypocrite.
Act as you profess to believe.
The Seagull and The Kite
[Read more…] about The Seagull and The KiteA seagull ate too big a fish and burst his gullet. A passing Kite chided him for being a bird but eating from the sea.
Every man should be content to mind his own business.
The Farmer and The Fox
[Read more…] about The Farmer and The FoxA Farmer caught a fox and put a rope on fire on its tail. The Fox ran through the Farmer’s fields destroying his crop.
Be careful lest revenge backfire.