[Read more…] about The Sow and The CatA Sow and Cat (Dog) were discussing and comparing litters to no avail. But, the Sow got in the last word.
One with the last word has the advantage.
JBR 1874 Editor’s Collection

The fables marked with the symbol to the right represent 1874 versions collected by editor Joseph Benjamin Rundell who’s Preface is reproduced below.
[Read more…] about JBR 1874 Editor’s CollectionThe Thrush and The Fowler
[Read more…] about The Thrush and The FowlerA Thrush, seeking food, stayed too long on a branch as was caught even when it knew better.
Men feel worst when they contribute to their own undoing.
The Eagle and His Captor
[Read more…] about The Eagle and His CaptorAn Eagle was caught and had his wings clipped. A neighbor bought the Eagle and let his wings grow out. A Fox cautioned the Eagle about paying tribute.
Favor those who do you kindness.
The Camel and Jupiter
[Read more…] about The Camel and JupiterThe Camel complained to Jupiter about his stature relative to other animals. Jupiter was angry at this and that is why now Camels have shorter ears.
The Gods will deal with those who do not honor them.
The Viper and The File
[Read more…] about The Viper and The FileIt is useless attacking the insensible. A viper (or snake), in vain, attempts to bite a steel file.
It is useless attacking the insensible.