[Read more…] about The Peacock and JunoA Peacock wanted to have a nice voice as well as looking pretty. Juno said: “No.”
Be content with your lot; one cannot be first in everything.
A Dog and A Thief
[Read more…] about A Dog and A ThiefA Thief brought meat to calm a guard Dog. The Dog recognized the ploy and told the Thief he would now be a better guard.
Be true to your master.
The Fox and The Bramble
[Read more…] about The Fox and The BrambleA Fox fell into a Bramble and was cut. The Fox cursed the Bramble who then chided the Fox for being so careless as to fall into the Bramble.
Sometimes you have to ask your enemies for help.
The Horse and The Stag
[Read more…] about The Horse and The StagIf you allow men to use you for your own purposes, they will use you for theirs. A horse lets a rider mount to chase a stag. The rider keeps the horse.
If you allow men to use you for your own purposes, they will use you for theirs.
A Jackdaw and Pigeons
[Read more…] about A Jackdaw and PigeonsA Jackdaw tries to be two things but fails at both. Too bad.
He that trims between two interests, loses him with both, but is true to neither.
The Hart and The Vine
[Read more…] about The Hart and The VineDo not mistreat those who help you. A Hart (stag) hides from hunters in vines. The Hart starts to nibble on the vines and gives himself away. Too bad.
Do not mistreat those who help you.