[Read more…] about The Frogs and The Fighting BullsA frog saw two bulls fighting but wasn’t worried. Another frog said he should be as the loser might come to live in the area. The loser did and frogs died.
Watch out for unintended consequences.
JBR 1874 Editor’s Collection

The fables marked with the symbol to the right represent 1874 versions collected by editor Joseph Benjamin Rundell who’s Preface is reproduced below.
[Read more…] about JBR 1874 Editor’s CollectionThe Bear and The Bees
[Read more…] about The Bear and The BeesThe weakest united may be strong to avenge. A bear seeking honey overlooks the fact that many bees united can make even the largest uncomfortable.
The weakest united may be strong to avenge.
The Fox and The Mosquitoes
[Read more…] about The Fox and The MosquitoesA fox rationalizes that he’d rather full mosquitoes bother him than hungry ones.
There were politicians in Aesop’s time.
The Ass and The Enemy
[Read more…] about The Ass and The EnemyYour reasons are not mine. A soldier tries to get his ass (donkey) to move but it won’t as it sees no benefit. The enemy is probably not as cruel.
Your reasons are not mine.
The Married Mouse
[Read more…] about The Married MouseA mouse married a lion but regrets doing so when the lion steps on the mouse.
One may be too ambitious