[Read more…] about How a Bad King Became a Good OneA bad King suddenly changed his behavior to good. Asked why he relates a story about animals coming to bad ends when they try to do bad things. Aha!
Whomever does what he ought not to receives what he does not want.
The Ape And The Carpenter
[Read more…] about The Ape And The CarpenterAn Ape watched a Carpenter split wood with wedges but learned nothing as he pulled a wedge out, the wood closed, and he was trapped. Too bad Ape.
Know what you are doing when trying something new.
The Lynx And The Mole
[Read more…] about The Lynx And The MoleA Lynx was bragging to a Mole about how gifted he was by comparison. Mole heard a noise and sunk into the earth while a hunter killed the Lynx. Ooops!
Pay attention at all times.
The Sorceress
[Read more…] about The SorceressA Sorceress entered a wood and said the incantations to bind the whole underworld to her and then asked about her dog. Those called were not impressed.
When using others take into account their needs.
Vice And Fortune
[Read more…] about Vice And FortuneVice and Fortune argue about making man unhappy. While removing Fortune might do it, adding Vice will certainly make man unhappy.
In the unhappiness game, Vice wins out over Fortune.
Hodge and The Raven
[Read more…] about Hodge and The RavenA Raven thought its brood safe after a storm abated. No so, as a neighbor came by in the sun and stole the eggs. So, Ravens can’t really predict events.
You never know when tragedy will strike.