[Read more…] about The Mountebank and His DogA Mountebank traveled the country showing his Dog doing tricks. Epictetus praised these actions as it showed the excellence of learning.
Good education is of infinite importance.
The Eagle and The Sycophant-Bird
[Read more…] about The Eagle and The Sycophant-BirdEagle attended a concert of birds and screeched in reply. All clapped except a Sycophant who issued false praise the Eagle accepted and others appreciated.
The highest art of flattery conveys praise in an indirect manner.
The Angler
[Read more…] about The AnglerAn Angler played a fish nibbling at bait but missed setting the hook. By accident he hooked a larger fish. Lucky Angler.
Sometimes you don’t get what you want but are given a larger portion.
The Fowler and The Wolf
[Read more…] about The Fowler and The WolfA Fowler shot at a Wolf from afar with only bird shot. Wolf got mad. Good-bye Fowler!
If you engage in folly you are likely to pay the price.
The Placeman and The Husbandman
[Read more…] about The Placeman and The HusbandmanA Placeman met a Peasant and asked why the Peasant did not flatter to advance. The Peasant asked why not work and get out of the slavery of the mind.
Prize only honors which man can neither give nor take away.
The Congregation of Pious Animals
[Read more…] about The Congregation of Pious AnimalsThe animals met to offer acknowledgments to Jupiter for the endowments. Jupiter said it wasn’t needed to recite what he already knew and had given them.
The pious should avoid vanity and self-opinion.