A Fowler shot at a Wolf from afar with only bird shot. Wolf got mad. Good-bye Fowler!
If you engage in folly you are likely to pay the price.

A Fowler who was one day following his sport, by chance saw a wolf at a distance, which he might very easily have avoided, but on the contrary, most imprudently and fool-hardily, fired at him with his fowling-piece, when it was charged with small shot, only fit to kill birds. Upon which the beast, being but slightly hurt, flew at him in a rage, and tore him to pieces.
No one can excuse the folly, or scarcely even compassionate the misfortunes of those silly persons, who, without any consideration or foresight of their danger, presumptuously draw upon themselves the vengeance of powerful and wicked men. How much wiser would it be to endeavour to steer clear of them, or even to suffer small injuries from them, than to make a feeble attack, where defeat must be attended with inevitable ruin! J. N.