Bewick Introduction
From time to time, in all ages, men inspired, or gifted with a superior degree of intellectual power, have appeared upon the stage of life, in order (by enlightening others) to fulfil the designs of Omnipotence, in uniting the world in a state of civilized society.
[Read more…] about Bewick IntroductionThe Dog and The Cat
[Read more…] about The Dog and The CatA dog and a cat living together got along fine – except when food was involved.
The Hen and The Fox (Barn)
[Read more…] about The Hen and The Fox (Barn)A fox tried hard to get a roosting Hen out of a barn but the Hen knew better than to come down to her doom. Good show.
Beware of interested friendships.
A Wolf and A Sow
[Read more…] about A Wolf and A SowA Wolf came to a Sow and offered to baby sit. “Thank you but no thank you,” said the Sow.
An enemy is most dangerous when offering you help.
Porcupine, Snake, and Company
[Read more…] about Porcupine, Snake, and CompanyDespite an agreement with the snakes to share, the porcupine defended not sharing with his quills. Ouch.
Hasty partnerships may be repented of.