[Read more…] about The Fox and The MaskA Fox looks at a mask and wonders where the mask’s brains are.
Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth.
The Horse and The Ass
[Read more…] about The Horse and The AssA Horse met an Ass on the road and demanded he move aside. The Ass complied but was delighted later to find the horse lame and abused along the same road.
Better humble security than gilded danger.
The Fowler and The Viper
[Read more…] about The Fowler and The ViperA man walking and concentrating accidentally stepped on a viper which bit him.
Concentrate on one thing to the exclusion of others at your own peril.
The Lion and Three Bulls
[Read more…] about The Lion and Three BullsA Lion wanted to dine on some bulls but they grouped together when he advanced. One day the bulls went to different fields and were eaten one by one.
Union is strength.
The Wolf, The Fox, and The Ape
[Read more…] about The Wolf, The Fox, and The ApeAn Ape sat as judge between a Fox, accused of stealing, and Wolf, the accuser. After the trial, the Ape judged the Wolf lost nothing but the Fox stole it.
The dishonest, if they act honestly, get no credit.
The Wolf and The Goat
[Read more…] about The Wolf and The GoatA Wolf called to a Goat feeding to come to the meadow where there was better food. The Goat saw through the ruse. Smart Goat!
Be careful when your enemy invites you.