[Read more…] about The Cock and The JewelA Cock (Rooster) looks for food but finds a jewel and throws it aside as unwanted.
Precious things are for those who prize them.
The Wolf and The Lamb
[Read more…] about The Wolf and The LambTyrants need no excuse. A Wolf catches a Lamb by a river and argues to justify killing it. Doesn’t matter as the Wolf needs no excuse.
Tyrants need no excuse.
The Ass and The Lapdog
[Read more…] about The Ass and The LapdogAn Ass sees a lap Dog fawned over and decides to sit on the master’s lap like the Dog. Bad move as the Ass quickly finds out.
Clumsy jesting is no joke.
The Tortoise and The Eagle
[Read more…] about The Tortoise and The EagleA Tortoise wanted to fly and promised riches. An Eagle heard and took the Tortoise for a ride. No reward though so a second ride and sudden drop followed.
Never put yourself in your enemy’s clutches.
The Bear and The Two Travelers
[Read more…] about The Bear and The Two TravelersTwo Travelers agreed to guard each other. A Bear rushed at both and one climbed a tree; the other played dead and the Bear told him to not trust the other.
Never trust a friend who leaves you when trouble approaches.
The Milkmaid and Her Pail
[Read more…] about The Milkmaid and Her PailA Milkmaid went to market with her pail on her head. She was lost in thought about the profits and what she will do with them and tripped. No more milk.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.