[Read more…] about The She Goats and Their BeardsFemale Goats got beards like the males who then complained to Jupiter. Jupiter said the let them be as they were not as strong or courageous as males.
It matters little if those who are inferior to us in merit should be like us in outside appearances.
The Camel and The Arab
[Read more…] about The Camel and The ArabA Camel was asked if he preferred to go up-hill or down-hill. The Camel asked back if the flat way through the desert was closed? Wise Camel.
Foresake the hard when an easier way is available.
The Fox, The Cock, and The Dog
[Read more…] about The Fox, The Cock, and The DogA Dog is hiding in a hole in a tree. A cock is in the tree crowing. A fox hears and comes for a meal. Surprise!
Cunning often outwits itself.
The Hawk and The Nightingale
[Read more…] about The Hawk and The NightingaleA nightingale gets caught by a hawk and pleas for life because he is such a small bit of a meal. Too bad. Yum, yum.
A bird caught is better than more uncaught.
The Peacock and Juno
[Read more…] about The Peacock and JunoA Peacock wanted to have a nice voice as well as looking pretty. Juno said: “No.”
Be content with your lot; one cannot be first in everything.
The Man and His Wife
[Read more…] about The Man and His WifeA hated Wife was sent to relatives as a test. She said the Shepard hated her. The Husband commented that she must also be hated by those with her all day.
Make the best of a bad situation.