A new Wolf ruler was suggesting everyone share everything when an Ass made it clear he should also share the Sheep he had hid away. Ooops!
Trust but verify.

JBR Collection
The Wolves once selected one of their number to be their ruler. The Wolf that was chosen was a plausible, smooth-spoken rascal, and on a very early day he addressed an assembly of the Wolves as follows: “One thing,” he said, “is of such vital importance, and will tend so much to our general welfare, that I cannot impress it too strongly upon your attention. Nothing cherishes true brotherly feeling and promotes the general good so much as the suppression of all selfishness. Let each one of you, then, share with any hungry brother who may be near whatever in hunting may fall to your lot.” “Hear, hear!” cried an Ass, who listened to the speech; “and of course you yourself will begin with the fat Sheep that you hid yesterday in a corner of your lair.”

Lupus Imperator et Asinus
Lupus quidam, qui lupis ceteris imperabat, legem olim tulit ut praedam, quam unusquisque caperet, in medium conferret et ceteris impertiretur. Asinus, his auditis, iubam quatiens atque subridens, “Egregie quidem,” ait, “O luporum imperator, pronuntiasti. Sed praedam quam tu heri cepisti, quinam tuo in cubili ut ea solus vesci posses, clanculum reposuisti? Agedum, adfer huc illam ut ceteris dividatur.” Ad haec lupus, stupore perculsus, legem protinus abrogavit.
Fabula demonstrat quod qui leges definire videntur, ea quae definivere atque iudicavere, ipsi plerumque minime observant.
Perry #348