A one-eyed Crow flew in front of two travelers and was taken to be a bad omen by one. The other pointed out the Crow could not even foretell his own future.
Fortune tellers have to be able to tell their own fortunes.

JBR Collection
Some Travellers setting out on a journey had not proceeded far, when a one-eyed Crow flew across their path. This they took for a bad omen, and it was proposed that they should give up their plan for that day, at least, and turn back again. “What nonsense!” said one of the Travellers, who was of a mocking and merry disposition. “If this Crow could foresee what is to happen to us, he would be equally knowing on his own account; and in that case, do you think he would have been silly enough to go where his eye was to be knocked out of his head?”

Corvus et Viatores
Nonnullis ad opus quoddam agendum profectis, corvus oculorum altero captus obvius fuit. Conversis proinde illis et quodam ut reverterentur suadente, quod nimirum id huiusmodi moneret augurium, alter respondit, “Qui nobis ille futura praedixerit, qui neque propriam caecitatem praevidit, ut sibi ab illa caveret?”
Ita qui in propriis rebus desipiunt, etiamsi consilia dent aliis, inutiles et viles sunt.
Perry #236