Wolves argued the Sheepdogs should give them the sheep as the master only gave the dogs bones. The Sheepdogs agreed and the Wolves immediately killed them.
Don’t be taken in by your enemy.

Townsend version
The wolves thus addressed the Sheepdogs: “Why should you, who are like us in so many things, not be entirely of one mind with us, and live with us as brothers should? We differ from you in one point only. We live in freedom, but you bow down to and slave for men, who in return for your services flog you with whips and put collars on your necks. They make you also guard their sheep, and while they eat the mutton throw only the bones to you. If you will be persuaded by us, you will give us the sheep, and we will enjoy them in common, till we all are surfeited.” The Dogs listened favorably to these proposals, and, entering the den of the Wolves, they were set upon and torn to pieces.

Lupi et Canes, Amici
Lupi canibus olim dixere, “Quid, cum omnino nobis similes sitis, eadem quoque nobiscum mente ut fratres non estis? Et sane nihil a vobis, nisi voluntate, discrepamus. Nos enim in libertate vivimus, vos hominibus subiecti et servi, verberibus obnoxii, vinculis ad collum pressi, et custodiendis gregibus addicti; cum vero cibum sumunt, vobis ossa tantum obiiciunt. Quapropter si nostra vobis amicitia grata est, greges omnes in nostram potestatem tradite omniaque communia erunt, atque nobiscum ad satietatem vescemini.” His dictis paruere canes sed, vix in speluncam cum lupis ingressi, statim ab ipsis dilacerati sunt.

Canes et Lupi Concolores
Cum animadverterent lupi se non virtute canum sed multitudine superari, hoc iniisse consilium perhibentur. Mittunt ad canes qui quaererent ab iis quorum color non dissimilis luporum esset cur non potius secum coniungerentur, quibus natura ipsos conciliasset, id quod coloris indicaret similitudo; quique illis dicerent, si luporum auxilio adversus alios canes discrepantes colore uti vellent, postea sublatis illis et ipsos solos rerum potituros et in perpetua amicitia luporum futuros esse. Cum res stultis canibus probata et alii canes circumventi atque iugulati fuissent, tum, sine negotio et periculo, istos, etiam concolores sibi, interfecerunt lupi.
Perry #342