A fruitful Walnut Tree by a road was attacked by passers-by to get the nuts. The Tree lamented his position.
You always hurt the one you love.

Townsend version
A walnut tree standing by the roadside bore an abundant crop of fruit. For the sake of the nuts, the passers-by broke its branches with stones and sticks. The Walnut-Tree piteously exclaimed, “O wretched me! that those whom I cheer with my fruit should repay me with these painful requitals!”

Nux Secundum Viam Sata
Nux, secundum viam sata, plurimum ferebat fructus. Cum autem a populo praetereunte saxis et fustibus impeteretur, ut iuglandes decidentes carperent, “Me infelicem,” exclamabat, “cui gratias tam acerbas referunt ob fructus iucundos quos ex me percipiunt.”
Perry #250