Two Soldiers were beset by a robber. One ran and the other fought and overcame the robber. The coward came back to claim victory. The other silenced him.
Actions speak louder than words.

Townsend version
Two soldiers traveling together were set upon by a Robber. The one fled away; the other stood his ground and defended himself with his stout right hand. The Robber being slain, the timid companion ran up and drew his sword, and then, throwing back his traveling cloak said, “I’ll at him, and I’ll take care he shall learn whom he has attacked.” On this, he who had fought with the Robber made answer, “I only wish that you had helped me just now, even if it had been only with those words, for I should have been the more encouraged, believing them to be true; but now put up your sword in its sheath and hold your equally useless tongue, till you can deceive others who do not know you. I, indeed, who have experienced with what speed you run away, know right well that no dependence can be placed on your valor.”

Milites Duo et Latro
Cum milites duo in latronem incidissent, unus profugit, alter autem restitit et dextera forti sese vindicavit. Latrone excusso, comes timidus accurrit stringitque gladium; reiecta paenula, deinde inquit, “Cedo illum; iam curabo sentiat quos attemptarit!” Tunc qui depugnaverat, “Vellem modo istis verbis saltem adiuvisses; constantior fuissem, verba tua vera existimans. Nunc ferrum conde, et linguam futilem pariter. Ut alios ignorantes fallere possis, scio ego, qui expertus sum quantis viribus fugias, quam virtuti tuae non credendum sit.”
Haec narratio adsignari debet illi qui re secunda fortis est, sed re dubia fugax.
Perry #524