The Swallow and Crow argued about their plumage. The Crow said Swallow’s feathers are all good in the spring, but his protects him against the winter.
The best of two equals lasts longest.

Aesop For Children
The Swallow and the Crow had an argument one day about their plumage.
Said the Swallow: “Just look at my bright and downy feathers. Your black stiff quills are not worth having. Why don’t you dress better? Show a little pride!”
“Your feathers may do very well in spring,” replied the Crow, “but—I don’t remember ever having seen you around in winter, and that’s when I enjoy myself most.”
Friends in fine weather only, are not worth much.

Townsend version
The swallow and the Crow had a contention about their plumage. The Crow put an end to the dispute by saying, “Your feathers are all very well in the spring, but mine protect me against the winter.”
Fair weather friends are not worth much.

L’Estrange version
Upon a dispute betwixt a swallow and a crow, which was the greater beauty of the two: Yours, says the crow, is only a spring-beauty, but mine lasts all the year round.
Of two things equally good, that’s the best that lasts longest.

Hirundo et Corvus
Hirundinem inter et corvum de formositate certamen erat. Hirundini exprobrat corvus, dicens formam eius non nisi veris tempore conspici, hieme autem non posse resistere frigori. “Meum vero,” corvus addit, “corpus et frigori hieme et calori aestate par est.”
Perry #229