A rich man complained about the smell from a near-by tanner. The tanner said he would move but did not and the rich man eventually got used to the smell.
One can get used to most anything.

Townsend version
A rich man lived near a Tanner, and not being able to bear the unpleasant smell of the tan-yard, he pressed his neighbor to go away. The Tanner put off his departure from time to time, saying that he would leave soon. But as he still continued to stay, as time went on, the rich man became accustomed to the smell, and feeling no manner of inconvenience, made no further complaints.

Coriarius et Dives
Dives, prope coriarium habitans neque fetorem ferre valens, ut discederet instabat. Is vero id in longum differebat, brevi se discessurum promittens. Sed cum continuo maneret, tandem contigit ut alter sensim assuesceret nec amplius malo odore molestaretur.
Indicat fabula consuetudine res difficiles leniri.
Perry #204