An Olive Tree bragged that it was better because it was green all year. When snow came it broke the Olive Tree branches but not the other trees. Too bad.
Brag and nature may bring you down.

Townsend version
The olive-tree ridiculed the Fig-Tree because, while she was green all the year round, the Fig-Tree changed its leaves with the seasons. A shower of snow fell upon them, and, finding the Olive full of foliage, it settled upon its branches and broke them down with its weight, at once despoiling it of its beauty and killing the tree. But finding the Fig-Tree denuded of leaves, the snow fell through to the ground, and did not injure it at all.

Olea et Ficus
Ficum irridebat olea, quasi ipsa quidem omni tempore florida, ficus vero cum tempore mutaret florem. Quo cum aliquando nix caderet, comantem deprehendens oleam ramisque insidens, una cum pulchritudine et ipsam simul corrupit. At huic, cum nudam destitutamque foliis inveniret, in terram defluens non obfuit.
Perry #413