A Shepherd encountered an ailing Lion and took a thorn out of its paw. At a later encounter the Lion remembered the Shepherd and did not kill him.
Return favors and favors will be bestowed on you.

Townsend version
A lion, roaming through a forest, trod upon a thorn. Soon afterward he came up to a Shepherd and fawned upon him, wagging his tail as if to say, “I am a suppliant, and seek your aid.” The Shepherd boldly examined the beast, discovered the thorn, and placing his paw upon his lap, pulled it out; thus relieved of his pain, the Lion returned into the forest. Some time after, the Shepherd, being imprisoned on a false accusation, was condemned “to be cast to the Lions” as the punishment for his imputed crime. But when the Lion was released from his cage, he recognized the Shepherd as the man who healed him, and instead of attacking him, approached and placed his foot upon his lap. The King, as soon as he heard the tale, ordered the Lion to be set free again in the forest, and the Shepherd to be pardoned and restored to his friends.
[The more famous similar fable “Androcles” is from a later translation.]

Leo et Pastor
Leo, errans, spinam calcavit et illico ad pastorem, cauda blandiens, venit, cui ait, “Non perturberis. Auxilium a te imploro; non indigeo esca.” Sublatum hominis posuit in gremio pedem. Pastor spinam exemit pede. Redit in silvas leo. Post autem, pastor falso incusatur crimine et ludis proximis emissis bestiis proiicitur. Passim dum discurrunt ferae, eum agnovit leo, qui fuerat medicatus. Sublatum rursus pastori ponit in gremio pedem. Hoc rex ut cognovit, leoni iussit parci et mansuetum pastorem dimitti parentibus.
Bene gerenti numquam poterunt adversariorum praevalere supplicia.
Perry #563