A Fox helped a Lion catch prey but got jealous of the Lion taking the bigger share. Fox went out on his own but got caught himself with no Lion to help.
Don’t attempt more than you can handle.

Townsend version
A fox entered into partnership with a Lion on the pretense of becoming his servant. Each undertook his proper duty in accordance with his own nature and powers. The Fox discovered and pointed out the prey; the Lion sprang on it and seized it. The Fox soon became jealous of the Lion carrying off the Lion’s share, and said that he would no longer find out the prey, but would capture it on his own account. The next day he attempted to snatch a lamb from the fold, but he himself fell prey to the huntsmen and hounds.

Leo et Vulpes, Socii
Vulpecula, apparitoris instar, operam suam locabat leoni, ita ut haec praedam indicaret, ille aggressus caperet. Quare et utrique pro dignitate qua erat, pars obtingebat. Sed vulpes, cum leoni partem invideret maiorem, venari potius ipsa voluit quam indicare. Et, aliquid e grege ovium conata rapere, primum ipsa praeda facta est venantibus.
Servire tuto melius est quam cum periculo dominari.
Perry #394