An Eagle asked a Lion for a truce for mutual advantage. The Lion said OK but only if the Eagle provided a bond against just flying away.
Try before you trust.

Townsend version
An eagle stayed his flight and entreated a Lion to make an alliance with him to their mutual advantage. The Lion replied, “I have no objection, but you must excuse me for requiring you to find surety for your good faith, for how can I trust anyone as a friend who is able to fly away from his bargain whenever he pleases?’
Try before you trust.

Aquila et Leo, Amici
Advolans leoni, aquila quaedam eum rogabat ut se sociam reciperet. Et aquilae leo “Quid vetat?” ait; “sed pignus dabis prius celeres illas pinnas tuas pactam non esse deserturas fidem. Quomodo enim amicae tibi non domisedae confidam?”
Perry #335