A Hunter had a Hare a horseman wanted. Horseman asked to buy but rode off when he had the Hare. Hunter could not catch him so he gifted the Hare.
A fool will make excuses for foolish behavior.

Townsend version
A certain hunter, having snared a hare, placed it upon his shoulders and set out homewards. On his way he met a man on horseback who begged the hare of him, under the pretense of purchasing it. However, when the Horseman got the hare, he rode off as fast as he could. The Hunter ran after him, as if he was sure of overtaking him, but the Horseman increased more and more the distance between them. The Hunter, sorely against his will, called out to him and said, “Get along with you! for I will now make you a present of the hare.”

Venator et Eques
Venator ceperat leporem, eoque sublato in humeros, cum pergeret domum, incidit in equitem, qui specie emptionis leporem peteret. Quem cum ab venatore accepisset, incitato equo, capessivit fugam. Venator eum persequebatur, ut qui vellet eum consequi. Ut vero longo intervallo relictus est, invitus hanc edidit vocem, “Abeas ergo; iam enim leporem donavi equidem tibi.”
Multi, qui violenter sunt spoliati suis, sponte ea dedisse simulant.
Perry #402