A Lion (or Tiger) stands up to an archer only to find an arrow in his side. The Fox slyly asks if he really intended for that to happen. Unhappy Lion.
Be on guard against men who can strike from a distance.
[These are basically the same fable using two different animals that the hunter hunts.]

JBR Collection (The Fox and The Tiger)
A skilful archer coming into the woods, directed his arrows so well that the beasts fled in dismay. The Tiger, however, told them not to be afraid, for he would singly engage their enemy, and drive him from their domain. He had scarcely spoken, when an arrow pierced his ribs and lodged in his side. The Fox asked him, slyly, what he thought of his opponent now. “Ah!” replied the Tiger, writhing with pain, “I find that I was mistaken in my reckoning.”

Townsend version
A very skillful bowman went to the mountains in search of game, but all the beasts of the forest fled at his approach. The Lion alone challenged him to combat. The Bowman immediately shot out an arrow and said to the Lion: “I send thee my messenger, that from him thou mayest learn what I myself shall be when I assail thee.” The wounded Lion rushed away in great fear, and when a Fox who had seen it all happen told him to be of good courage and not to back off at the first attack he replied: “You counsel me in vain; for if he sends so fearful a messenger, how shall I abide the attack of the man himself?’
Be on guard against men who can strike from a distance.

Samuel Croxall (The Fox and the Tiger)
A SKILFUL archer, coming into the woods, directed his arrows so successfully, that he slew many wild beasts, and pursued several others. This put the whole savage kind into a fearful consternation, and made them fly to the most retired thickets for refuge. At last, the Tiger resumed a courage, and bidding them not to be afraid, said, that he alone would engage the enemy; telling them, they might depend upon his valour and strength to revenge their wrongs. In the midst of these threats, while he was lashing himself with his tail, and tearing up the ground for anger, an arrow pierced his ribs, and hung by its barbed point in his side. He set up an hideous and loud roar, occasioned by the anguish which he felt, and endeavoured to draw out the painful dart with his teeth; when the Fox approaching him, enquired with an air of surprise, who it was that could have strength and courage enough to wound so mighty and valorous a beast! Ah! says the Tiger, I was mistaken in my reckoning; It was that invincible man yonder.
Though strength and courage are very good ingredients towards the making us secure and formidable in the world, yet unless there be a proper portion of wisdom or policy to direct them, instead of being serviceable, they often prove detrimental to their proprietors. A rash froward man, who depends upon the excellence of his own parts and accomplishments, is likewise apt to expose a weak side, which his enemies might not otherwise have observed: and gives an advantage to others, by those very means which he fancied would have secured it to himself. Counsel and conduct always did, and always will govern the world; and the strong, in spite of all their force, can never avoid being tools to the crafty. Some men are as much superior to others in wisdom and policy, as man, in general, is above a brute. Strength ill-concerted opposed to them, is like a quarter-staff in the hands of a huge, robust, but bungling fellow, who fights against a master of the science. The latter, though without a weapon, would have skill and address enough to disarm his adversary, and drub him with his own staff. In a word, savage fierceness and brutal strength must not pretend to stand in competition with finesse and stratagem.

Thomas Bewick (The Fox and The Tiger)
A skilful Archer coming into the woods, directed his arrows so successfully, that he slew many wild beasts, and wounded several others. This put the whole savage kind into a great consternation, and made them fly into the most retired thickets for refuge. At last, the Tiger resumed courage, and bidding them not be afraid, said that he alone would engage the enemy, telling them they might depend on his valour to avenge their wrongs. In the midst of these threats, while he was lashing himself with his tail, and tearing up the ground with anger, an arrow pierced his ribs, and hung by its barbed point in his side. He set up a loud and hideous roar, occasioned by the anguish he felt, and endeavoured to draw out the painful dart with his teeth: when the Fox approaching him, enquired with an air of surprise, who it was that could have strength and courage enough to wound so mighty and valorous a beast? Ah! says the Tiger, I was mistaken in my reckoning: it was that invincible Man yonder.
Though strength and courage are very good ingredients towards making us secure and formidable in the world, yet unless there be a proper portion of wisdom or policy to direct them, instead of being serviceable, they often prove detrimental to their proprietors. A rash forward man, who depends upon the excellence of his own parts and accomplishments, is likewise apt to expose a weak side, which his enemies might not otherwise have observed; and gives an advantage to others by those very means which he fancied might have secured it to himself. Counsel and conduct always did and always will govern the world; and the strong, in spite of all their force, can never avoid being tools to the crafty. Some men are as much superior to others in wisdom and policy, as man in general is above the brute. Strength, ill-governed, opposed to them, is like a quarter staff in the hands of a huge, robust, but bungling fellow, who fights against a master of the science. The latter, though without a weapon, would have skill and address enough to disarm his adversary, and drub him with his own staff. In a word, savage fierceness and brutal strength, must not pretend to stand in competition with policy and stratagem.

Leo et Iaculator
Quidam, iaculandi peritus, in montem venatum profectus est. Animalia, ubi eum conspexerunt, quaelibet sibi fuga consuluere. Leo solus eum in pugnam provocavit. Tunc venator, iaculum emittens et leonem feriens, “Nuntium meum hunc accipe,” inquit, “et qualis sit vide; haud mora ipse quoque ad te veniam.” Vulneratus leo in fugam protinus se coniecit. Quem cum vulpes ut animum sumeret et resisteret hortaretur, “Nequaquam,” ait, “me decipies, amica; si enim tam acerbum nuntium habet, cum ipse venerit, haud sane potero sustinere.”
Perry #340