A Bitch begged for space to have and rear her whelps. A Shepard granted her wish but when raised, the Bitch and her whelps decided to keep the space.
Those to whom you give kindness may turn on you.

Townsend version
A bitch, ready to whelp, earnestly begged a shepherd for a place where she might litter. When her request was granted, she besought permission to rear her puppies in the same spot. The shepherd again consented. But at last the Bitch, protected by the bodyguard of her Whelps, who had now grown up and were able to defend themselves, asserted her exclusive right to the place and would not permit the shepherd to approach.

Samuel Croxall (The Two Bitches)
A BITCH, who was just ready to whelp, entreated another Bitch to lend her her kennel, only till her month was up, and assured her that then she should have it again. The other very readily consented, and, with a great deal of civility, resigned it to her immediately. However, when the time was elapsed, she came and made her a visit, and very modestly intimated, that now she was up and well, she hoped she should see her abroad again; for that really it would be inconvenient for her to be without her kennel any longer, and therefore she told her she must be so free as to desire her to provide herself with other lodgings as soon as she could. The lying-in Bitch replied, That truly she was ashamed of having kept her so long out of her own house; but it was not upon her own account, (for indeed she was well enough to go any where) so much as that of her Puppies, who were yet so weak, that she was afraid they would not be able to follow her; and, if she would but be so good as to let her stay a fortnight longer, she would take it for the greatest obligation in the world. The other Bitch was so good-natured and compassionate as to comply with this request too; but at the expiration of the term, came and told her positively that she must turn out, for she could not possibly let her be there a day longer. Must turn out—says the other; we will see that; for I promise you, unless you can beat me and my whole litter of Whelps, you are never like to have any thing more to do here.
Possession is eleven points of the law; and though, where equity flourishes, and property is duly secured, the twelfth point, I mean that of right, is better than the other eleven; yet this fable may serve as a very good lesson of caution to us, never to let any thing we value go out of our possession without very good security. Wise and good-natured men will give liberally and judiciously what they can spare; but to lend, where there is a probability of our being defrauded by the borrower, is the part of a too easy and blameable credulity.

Thomas Bewick (The Two Bitches)
A Bitch, who was just ready to whelp, intreated another to lend her her kennel only till her month was up, and assured her that then she should have it again. The other very readily consented, and with a great deal of civility, resigned it to her immediately. However, when the time was elapsed, she came and made her a visit, and very modestly intimated, that now she was up and well, she hoped she should see her abroad again; for that, really, it would be inconvenient for her to be without her kennel any longer, and therefore, she told her, she must be so free as to desire her to provide herself with other lodgings as soon as she could. The lying-in Bitch replied, that truly she was ashamed of having kept her so long out of her own house; but it was not upon her own account (for indeed she was well enough to go any where) so much as that of her puppies, who were yet so weak, that she was afraid they would not be able to follow her; and, if she would be so good as to let her stay a fortnight longer, she would take it as the greatest obligation in the world. The other Bitch was so good-natured and compassionate as to comply with this request also; but at the expiration of the term, came and told her positively that she must turn out, for she could not possibly let her be there a day longer. Must turn out, says the other; we will see to that: for I promise you, unless you can beat me and my whole litter of whelps, you are never likely to have any thing more to do here.
Wise and good-natured men do not shut their ears, nor harden their hearts, against the calls of humanity, and the cries of distress; but how often are their generous natures imposed upon by the artifices of the base and worthless! These fail not to lay their plans with deep cunning, to work themselves into the good graces of the benevolent, and having accomplished their ends, the return they often make is abusive language, or the most open acts of violence. One of the evil and lamentable consequences arising out of this, is, that worth in distress suffers by it: for distrust and suspicion take hold of the minds of good men, and the hand of charity is thus benumbed. This Fable may also serve to caution us never to let any thing we value go out of our possession without good security. The man who means to act prudently, ought never to put himself in the power of others, or to run any risk of involving his own family in ruin.

Heinrich Steinhöwel (Of the Two Dogs)