An Ass carrying baskets was told to flee with the Shepherd. The Ass asked if the enemy would put another pair of baskets on him and, if not, why flee.
In a change of government the poor change nothing beyond the name of their master.

JBR Collection (The Sensible Ass)
An Old Fellow, in time of war, was allowing his Ass to feed in a green meadow, when he was alarmed by a sudden advance of the enemy. He tried every means in his power to urge the Ass to fly, but in vain.” The enemy are upon us,” said he. “And what will the enemy do?” asked the Ass. “Will they put two pairs of panniers on my back, instead of one?” “No,” answered the Man, “there is no fear of that.” “Why then,” replied the Ass, “I’ll not stir an inch. I am born to be a slave, and my greatest enemy is he who gives me most to carry.”

Townsend version
A shepherd, watching his Ass feeding in a meadow, was alarmed all of a sudden by the cries of the enemy. He appealed to the Ass to fly with him, lest they should both be captured, but the animal lazily replied, “Why should I, pray? Do you think it likely the conqueror will place on me two sets of panniers?’ “No,” rejoined the Shepherd. “Then,” said the Ass, “as long as I carry the panniers, what matters it to me whom I serve?’
In a change of government the poor change nothing beyond the name of their master.

Samuel Croxall (The Sensible Ass)
AN old fellow was feeding an Ass in a fine green meadow; and being alarmed with the sudden approach of the enemy, was impatient with the Ass to put himself forward, and fly with all the speed that he was able. The Ass asked him, Whether or no he thought the enemy would clap two pair of panniers upon his back? The man said, No, there was no fear of that. Why then, said the Ass, I will not stir an inch; for what is it to me who my master is, since I shall but carry my panniers, as usual.
This fable shows us, how much in the wrong the poorer sort of people most commonly are, when they are under any concern about the revolutions of a government. All the alteration which they can feel, is, perhaps, in the name of their sovereign, or some such important trifle: but they cannot well be poorer, or made to work harder than they did before. And yet how are they sometimes imposed upon, and drawn in by the artifices of a few mistaken or designing men, to foment factions and raise rebellions, in cases where they can get nothing by the success; but if they miscarry, are in, danger of suffering an ignominious untimely death.

Thomas Bewick (The Sensible Ass)
An old Man who was feeding his Ass in a fine green meadow, being alarmed by the sudden approach of an enemy, began urging the Ass to put himself forward, and fly with all the speed he was able. The Ass asked him whether he thought the enemy would clap two pair of panniers upon his back? The Man said, No, there was no fear of that. Why then, says the Ass, I will not stir an inch, for what is it to me who my master is, since I shall but carry my panniers as usual.
This Fable shews us how much in the wrong the poorer sort of people most commonly are, when they are under any concern about the revolutions of a government. All the alteration which they can feel, is perhaps in the name of their sovereign, or some such important trifle; but they cannot well be poorer, or made to work harder, than they did before. And yet how are they sometimes imposed upon and drawn in by the artifices of a few mistaken or designing men, to foment factions, and raise rebellions, in cases where they can get nothing by success; but if they miscarry, are in danger of suffering an ignominious and untimely end.