A Peach and Apple were arguing about which was most beautiful. A Berry vine spoke up asking they cease their argument in his presence.
Everyone thinks themselves the best.
A Peach and Apple were arguing about which was the most beautiful. At their loudest, a Berry vine from a nearby hedge spoke up: “Please, cease your argument, at least in my presence.”

Townsend version (The Pomegranate, Apple-Tree, and Bramble)
The Pomegranate and Apple-Tree disputed as to which was the most beautiful. When their strife was at its height, a Bramble from the neighboring hedge lifted up its voice, and said in a boastful tone: “Pray, my dear friends, in my presence at least cease from such vain disputings.”

JBR Collection
There happened a controversy once between a Peach and an Apple as to which was the fairer fruit of the two. They were so loud in their discourse, that a Blackberry from the next hedge overheard them. “Come,” said the Blackberry, “we are all friends, and pray let us have no jangling among ourselves.”

L’Estrange version (A Peach, an Apple, and a Blackberry
There happen’d a controversie once betwixt a peach, and an apple, which was the fairer fruit of the two. They were so loud in their discourse, that a blackberry from the next hedg, over-heard them. Come (says the blackberry) we are all friends, and pray let’s have no jangling among our selves.
Every thing would be thought greater in the world then it is, and the root of it is this, that it first thinks it self so.

Gherardo Image from 1480

Rubus et Arbores
Punica et malus arbores, de pulchritudine contendentes, in graves inimicitias et simultates inciderant, continuis sese conviciis mutuo exagitantes. Audiebat dissidentes rubus et, praeclaras arbores mutua sese lacerare ac proscindere maledicentia deplangens, accessit ad eas, modum reconciliationis si posset, positurus. “Nunquid satis,” inquit, “et plusquam satis decertatum est inter vos? Si vos, frugiferae et humano generi tam utiles, vos ipsas proscinditis, quid facient inimici vestri?” His et aliis in concordiam redeuntes, rubo gratias egerunt, inter se agnoscentes opem consiliumque vel ex humillimis et nullius momenti personis exspectari posse ac recipi, quia amicus nullus aestimandus est parvus.
Perry #213