A Snake’s Tail rebelled against the Head so Head let Tail lead the way. Over a cliff they both went. Tail was silent after that.
Know your place.

JBR Collection
The Tail of a Serpent once rebelled against the Head, and said that it was a great shame that one end of any animal should always have its way, and drag the other after it, whether it was willing or no. It was in vain that the Head urged that the Tail had neither brains nor eyes, and that it was in no way made to lead. Wearied by the Tail’s importunity, the Head one day let him have his will. The Serpent now went backwards for a long time, quite gaily, until he came to the edge of a high cliff, over which both Head and Tail went flying, and came with a heavy thump on the shore beneath. The Head was never again troubled by the Tail with a word about leading.

Serpentis Cauda
Serpentis olim cauda corpus ducere et praecedere rogavit. Cetera vero membra “Quomodo,” dixere, “sine oculis et naso nos ducere poteris, quorum auxilio cetera etiam animalia ducuntur?” Sed eam nequaquam persuasere, donec suo damno sapere coacta fuit. Cauda itaque ceteris membris imperare eaque ducere coepit, integrum corpus caeca trahens. Sed tandem, in saxosum barathrum devoluta, tergum totumque corpus laceravit. Tum cauda vero caput adulari coepit, ipsumque supplex rogare, aiens, “Serva nos, si velis, O domine; malam enim contentionem experta sum.”
Perry #362