Socrates built a house. All his friends found fault with some part or another. Socrates admitted it was small but wished he had true friends to fill it.
Friends support other friends.

JBR Collection
Socrates once built a house, and everybody who saw it had something or other to say against it. “What a front!” said one. “What an inside!” said another. “What rooms! not big enough to turn round in, said a third. “Small as it is,” answered Socrates, “I wish I had true friends enough to fill it.”

Socrates et Amici
Cum Socrates parvas aedes sibi fundasset, quidam ex populo “Quaeso,” inquit, “cur tu, talis vir, tam angustam ponis domum?” “Utinam,” Socrates respondet, “hanc veris amicis impleam!”
Perry #500