A Shepherd raised a young Wolf with his Dogs. It seemed well trained but held behind and ate off the flock until found out. Shepherd hung the Wolf.
Crimes are eventually found out and prosecuted.

JBR Collection
A Shepherd found the young Cub of a Wolf, and caused it to be brought up among his Dogs, with whom it grew to be quite friendly. When any other Wolves came, meaning to rob the fold, this young fellow was among the foremost to give them chase, but on returning he generally managed to linger behind the Dogs, and keep a sharp lookout for any stray Sheep from the fold. Instead, however, of bringing these home, he would drive them to an out-of-the-way spot , and there mangle and partially devour them. He did this once too often, and was caught at it by the Shepherd, who quickly set him hanging by the neck from the bough of a tree, and in that way put an end to his double-dealing.

Gherardo Image from 1480

Pastor et Lupi Catuli
Pastor repertos lupi catulos cura magna educavit, arbitratus, cum adolevissent, non solum oves custodituros suas, sed insuper alias rapientes sibi delaturos. At illi citissime adulti, occasionem nacti, primum ipsius gregem devoravere. Quapropter ingemens, pastor ait, “Merito equidem plector. Quid enim eos iuvenculos adhuc servavi, quos vel adultos necare oportebat?”
Perry #209