[Read more…] about The Bee and JupiterA Queen Bee gave honey to Jupiter and asked, in return, for a sting against those who attack. Jupiter gave her a sting but with it comes death if used.
Evil wishes, like chickens, come home to roost.
The Old Lion
[Read more…] about The Old LionAn Old Lion was near death so animals that used to fear him came and abused him. Sadly, the Lion could do nothing to stop them.
Only cowards insult dying majesty.
The Master and His Dogs
[Read more…] about The Master and His DogsIn the midst of a storm the Dogs watch their Master kill his Sheep, Goats, and Oxen in order to sustain himself. The Dogs decided to be safe and leave!
He is not to be trusted as a friend who mistreats his own family.
The Ass, The Cock, and The Lion
[Read more…] about The Ass, The Cock, and The LionA cock scares a Lion away; the Ass thinks it was his bray that did it and chases after. Too bad for the Ass.
False confidence often leads into danger.
The Shepherd and The Sea
[Read more…] about The Shepherd and The SeaA Shepherd saw the calm seas and wanted to sail. He sold his Sheep and got some dates to sell overseas. His ship sank in a tempest and he lost everything.
Understand what you are doing before you do it.
The One-Eyed Doe
[Read more…] about The One-Eyed DoeA doe with one eye thought she was safe eating while looking shoreward but then missed the archer in the boat. Oh my!
You cannot escape your fate.